Co-Investigator for the National Research and Development Center on Improving Opportunities and Achievement for English Learners in Secondary Settings, led by WestEd and funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (2020-2022)

Co-Principal Investigator and Assessment Design lead for Project Management Partner, CRESST/UCLA, to Lead State, Iowa, Competitive Grant for State Assessments Programs by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Collaborative for the Alternate Assessment of English Language Proficiency (CAAELP) (2019-2022).

Project manager and lead writer, Council of Chief State School Officers, English Language Proficiency Standards for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (2018-2019)

Editorial Board Member, Educational Measurement (5th Edition) (2018-present)

Reviewer, Educational Assessment Journal (Present, 2010-2011; 2019)

Peer Reviewer of State Assessments for the U.S. Department of Education (2018-2020)

Peer Review: Invited Expert Panelist for the State Assessment Peer Review Seminar hosted by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of State Support (August 1-2, 2018)

Researcher and manager, English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) (2017-Present)

Advisory Board Member, National Council on Measurement in Education—Newsletter Committee, advisor and contributor (2014-Present)

Content Lead and Writer, PISA 2018—Global Competence Framework (Draft framework for the new, innovative domain for PISA 2018) (2014-2016)

Global Citizenship Working Group Member, convened and facilitated by the Brookings Institute, invited member (2014; 2016)

Workgroup member, National workgroup convened by ETS and CRESST. AERA-funded workgroup on English language learner assessment and research (2012-2013)

Convener and Lead, National Colloquium on Learning Models and Implications for Diverse Learners (Washington D.C., October 26, 2012)

Project Director and contributor, California’s New English Language Development Standards (December 2011-November 2012)

Co-convener with WIDA, AERA grant-funded national workgroup on academic literacies and language of adolescent ELs (2011-2013)

Project Director, State Collaborative on English Language Acquisition (SCELA), An evaluation of the correspondence between 16 state English language acquisition standards and the Common Core State Standards for English language arts and mathematics (October 2011-2013)

Advisor and Partner, Enhanced Assessment Grant, Assessment Services Supporting ELs through Technology Systems (2011-2013)

Advisor, Enhanced Assessment Grant, Improving the Validity of Assessment Results for English Language Learners (ELLs) with Disabilities (2011-2012)

Consultant, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and its state educators on plain English and linguistic modification research and practice and implications for the development of its statewide assessments, March 2011

Consultant, Texas Education Agency and its state educators on accommodations and computer-based testing of English learners and implications for the development of the Texas’ STAAR L prototype items, February 2011

Project Management Partner—Facilitator, SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium Accessibility and Accommodations Work Group (2010-2011)

Co-convener with WIDA, Madison Academic Language Work Group (2010-2011)

Assessment for Effective Intervention Journal (reviewer 2010-2013; Editorial Board Member 2012-2013)

Proposal reviewer/planning committee member, National Conference on Student Assessment, Council of Chief State School Officers (2010-2016)

Project Manager, Enhanced Assessment Grant, An Examination of the Relative Contributions of the Four Language Modalities to English Language Proficiency: Implications for Assessment and Instruction Across Grade Spans and Proficiency Levels (2010-2013)

Briefing to White House, Senate, and House of Representatives staff on English language learner research and policy implications, April 2010

Diversity Issues and Testing Committee, National Council on Measurement in Education (member 2009-2013; committee chair 2011)

Advisory Board Member, WIDA Formative Assessment Language Records for English Language Learners (2009-2011)

Project Director, General Supervision Enhancement Grant, The validity of assessments based on modified academic achievement standards (2007-2013)